Reasoning Test for NIACL 2018 Prelim Exam Set – 4

Directions (1-5): Eight friends Jaya, Krish, Lokesh, Mani, Nitin, Ojas, Parul and Queen are seated in a straight line facing north, but not necessarily in the same order.Nitin sits third to the left of Ojas who sits at one of the extreme ends of the row.Neither Nitin nor Ojas is an immediate neighbor of Lokesh.Queen and Lokesh are immediate neighbors. Neither Queen nor Lokesh sits extreme end of the row. Krish sits third to the right of Lokesh. Mani does not sit at any extreme end of the row.Neither Mani nor Queen is neighbour of Nitin. Jaya is third to the left of Mani.

  1. What is the position of Jaya with respect to Krish?
    3rd to the right
    Immediate right
    Immediate left
    2nd to the left
    None of these
    Option D


  2. How many persons sit between Lokesh and Ojas?
    Option D


  3. Based on the given arrangement, which of the following is true with respect to Nitin?
    Both b and c
    Nitin sits immediate left of Lokesh
    Only two persons sit between Nitin and Queen
    All a,b and c are true
    All are false
    Option C


  4. Who among the following represents the person seated at the extreme end of the line?
    Cannot be determined
    None of these
    Option B


  5. Who sits between Lokesh and Jaya?
    Both a and b
    Option E


  6. Directions (6-10): Eight students i.e. Udita, Varsha, Wiren, Xeon, Yash, Zaira, Akku, and Banya are seated around a circular table among them only 3 are facing opposite to the centre and rest are facing to the centre (not necessarily in the same order).Udita sits second to the left of Wiren. Varsha is not an immediate neighbour of both Wiren and Udita. One of the immediate neighbours of Wiren faces opposite direction of Wiren. Banya sits third to the left of Udita. Zaia sits second to the left of Banya. Xeon is not an immediate neighbour of Varsha. Akku sits third to the left of Xeon. Yash and Varsha face the same direction as Xeon faces. Varsha doesn’t sit opposite to both Wiren and Udita.

  7. Who among the following sits second to right of Akku?
    None of these
    Option C


  8. Who among the following sits exactly between Varsha and Xeon?
    None of these
    Cannot be determined
    Option E


  9. Wiren is facing in which direction?
    Inside the centre
    Outside the centre
    Same as Akku faces
    Both b and c
    None of these
    Option A


  10. What is the position of Banya with respect to Zaira when in counted anticlockwise direction from Zaira?
    2nd to the right
    Immediate left
    2nd to the left
    Immediate right
    None of these
    Option C


  11. Who among the following sits immediate left of Wiren?
    Either a or b
    None of these
    Option E


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